Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer's Slipping Away...

We have about one week until Stephen begins grueling football two-a-days and two weeks before I return to work. Where did summer go so quickly? It has been a hot one without enough rain. Last week I stayed with my big sister in Houston while some co-workers and I attended professional development and then I brought my niece, Hannah, home to visit a few days. My sister asked what it was like to trade for a daughter....I must say nice. Mike asked me if I was trying to trick him into wanting a daughter since she was sweet, didn't talk back, and was interested in helping out with his fish.

I took Hannah tubing on the San Marcos river one day and we ran into some interesting folks (as usual). An older group kept calling out "Ticca-tacka, ticca-tacka...Oi, oi, OI!" We have no clue what they meant... Later that Friday we drove her to downtown so she could watch the bats take flight from underneath Congress Street bridge and later we dinned at one of our favorite quaint local Brazilian restaurants, Sao Paulo's. After dinner she declared that Brazilian is now her favorite kind of food.

Saturday morning Hannah and I enjoyed the local favorite spot for crepes, Fliphappy. About noon Stephen finally returned from his Canada trip and to celebrate we all went swimming at Barton Springs Pool. There isn't much else worth doing on a scorching hot summer day. That night we drove to Houston to return Hannah to her parents. Sunday we we able to spend the day with my Aunt Suzanne and Uncle George who were visiting from Tennessee. It was great to see them. Hopefully next time they'll come to see Austin.

Yesterday Stephen and I spent the day at the Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop with Marga, Jonah, and Hannah. That evening Jenny and Molly stopped by to see us as well. This weekend we are picking up Jordan, Mike's nephew, to hang with us for a week. I suppose we're trying to squeeze in as many family visits as possible before summer subsides....

Keep Cool!
Laura, Mike, n Stephen

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