So tomorrow's the official last day of school before summer break begins. We are anxiously awaiting our time off from our hurried daily lives, unfortunately Mike still has to work over the summer. Since we returned from our honeymoon time has flown. We have traveled to see our family and enjoyed time in Garland, Houston, and Lake Livingston. The weekend we traveled to Lake Livingston we enjoyed boating and watching Grandaddy mercilessly throw the kids off the tube (over and over). They were gluttons for punishment, and kept hopping aboard for another thrill ride. Also, since we experienced the awe of the Great Barrier Reef, Mike has been newly inspired to have a small piece of nature. In our living room we now have a new salt water aquarium with various corals and fish. He's even set up a separate blog to keep track of the progress of the tank. Hobbes (our cat) keeps a careful watch over the tank and frequently plays hide-n-seek with the red flame hawk we named KGB. He obviously thinks we started up the tank solely for his own enjoyment. Stephen has been busy with scouting events lately. He completed his ordeal for the Order of the Arrow (an honor-society for scouts) and earned his Life scout rank (the last rank advancement before Eagle). We are looking forward to a summer spending time with family and friends, and continuing to settle in our new home. Stephen's off in July on a scouting canoe trip trekking across the Northern Tier of Canada.
Laura, Stephen, & Mike
Stephen's Advancement Court of Honor
Pictures from our visit to Lake Livingston:
Stephen in camping gear and holding some sort of gardening tool...
Stephen passed out after a looong day
Kylie after having her nails clipped (finally!)
Hobbes watching tank
Last but not least, a video of the tubing excitement!